Experience the Taste of Quality

Our oils are made with the highest quality ingredients

First of all

About Us

Kalika Refinery Pvt. Ltd. is a leading edible oil refining company based in Gaindakot, Nawalpur. We are committed to producing high quality cooking oils and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Not to mention

Our Products

Explore our range of products made with the highest quality ingredients and state-of-the-art technology. Our oils are perfect for all your cooking needs, from frying to baking.

And let's not forget

Our Process

Our refinery uses the latest technology to refine our oils to perfection. We follow strict quality control measures to ensure that our oils meet the highest standards.

red chili on white ceramic platered chili on white ceramic plate

Our Story

Kalika Refinery Pvt. Ltd. was founded with the vision of producing high quality cooking oils that are both healthy and delicious. Our dedication to maintaining high-quality standards in the production and distribution of their cooking oils, assuring customers of their reliability and trustworthiness is a priority. Today, we are proud to be a leading player in the industry, known for our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.